In a Sacred Business Expansion Mastermind

A sacred mastermind where you’ll be guided to shift your identity to align all aspects of

your business with who you truly are so you can master your marketing strategy, unleash your

authentic voice online, and make more money with ease!





Are you ready to remember who you really are and step into your CEO identity?

  • It’s time for you to take complete control of your business & life and manifest your next level of peace, purpose, power & prosperity.

  • We'll guide you to embody your current level of spirituality so that you can monetize your life's purpose, because your business is simply a manifestation of your life's work.

  • Struggling to attract clients consistently?

  • Ready to scale your business, serve deeply and make more money.

  • If your life looks great "on paper" but it still feels like something is missing, you're in the right place, divine one.

  • If you’re exhausted and trapped in over-working, over-giving and over-doing, let’s get started on your road home to yourself.

  • You feel like your business is currently not fulfilling your soul.

  • You want to expand your business to the next level and expand spiritually.

  • You always had the feeling that you are here for much more and know that your purpose is linked to help light up the path for generations to come.

An intimate high- level mastermind experience to monetize your life’s purpose through spiritual + business mastery.   Isn’t just another generic, full of fluff, business program.   This is a spiritual business immersion for conscious entrepreneurs that offers advanced level sacred spiritual mentorship and business strategy training.

It’s Sacred. It’s Spiritual. It’s Strategic.

This intimate coaching container is open for established women in business with a desire to scale up and serve more and includes a 5 day international retreat.

We’ve MASTERED the Spiritually Aligned Business playbook.

Are you ready to:

  • Find more time for what is important in your life?

  • Move from surviving to thriving?

  • End the hustle and scarcity of selling your time for an hourly rate and package your magic into offers which sell?

  • Be the better version of yourself that you know exists?

  • Connect to your truth and feminine power?

  • Farewell clients who keep you feeling burnt out and too tired for your family, and align your vision and strategy to attract clients who you adore and pay you far more?

Plus you’ll…

  • Embody everything you’re meant to be, do, and have while feeling the sacred safety of divine support in every area of your life, relationships, career, and finances

  • Cultivate more alignment…no more hustling for work as you align your energy and business systems to attract dream clients.

  • Clear the fear, pain, and drama around what the eff you’re meant to be doing with your precious life and create a roadmap on who you are, why you’re here, and what you’re meant to be doing.

  • Make more cash with more ease while you discover how to bring your vision into reality while working part time with fewer clients.

  • Create a consistent flow of clients and cash, so you never have to live paycheck to paycheck EVER again!

  • Break free of the chains keeping you trapped in living small, and step into a powerful creatrix who attracts limitless opportunities, experiences, and abundance.

  • Make money on social media by connecting with dream clients, convert your vision into sales, and amplify your cash flow into the stratosphere!

Plus you’ll…

  • Embody everything you’re meant to be, do, and have while feeling the sacred safety of divine support in every area of your life, relationships, career, and finances

  • Cultivate more alignment…no more hustling for work as you align your energy and business systems to attract dream clients.

  • Clear the fear, pain, and drama around what the eff you’re meant to be doing with your precious life and create a roadmap on who you are, why you’re here, and what you’re meant to be doing.

  • Make more cash with more ease while you discover how to bring your vision into reality while working part time with fewer clients.

  • Create a consistent flow of clients and cash, so you never have to live paycheck to paycheck EVER again!

  • Break free of the chains keeping you trapped in living small, and step into a powerful creatrix who attracts limitless opportunities, experiences, and abundance.

  • Make money on social media by connecting with dream clients, convert your vision into sales, and amplify your cash flow into the stratosphere!

  • Stop messing around in the backend of your business and get the systems and structures in place to focus on your zone of genius and fully embody your CEO role.

  • Transform your energy from attracting lack and become aligned with high money vibes to have an abundance of cash and dream clients flow into your life with divine ease.

  • Learn potent techniques to move through the tough stuff quickly, protect your energy, and make decisions with confidence.

  • Connect with your inner peace and trust in who you are and what you’re here to share.

  • Own your power and get paid like a boss as you rise into service!

This is perfect for you are ready to… imagine you… expanded:

Awaken your soul’s sacred calling to do what lights you and the world up.   You’re ready to claim your spiritual inheritance and divine birthright of prosperity and abundance.   Shift from…   You’re ready to remember and reclaim your divine power.   You’re ready to grow your soul- led business or spiritual coaching   You’re looking to do deep spiritual work so you can become the spiritual leader you know you’re destined to be.   You’re ready to be trained in spiritual and business mastery.   You’re tired of exchanging time for money and you’re ready to leverage your expertise and your spiritual gifts.   You’re ready to leverage your expertise and spiritual gifts so you can actually utilize all of the webinars, training, freebies, past coaches and let’s not forget the 50 million notebook of great (but untouched and under utilized) ideas of your creation that you just have collecting dust.   Unapologetically operate within your zone of genius and not have to search endless hours for your dream opportunity or continuously question your purpose. You’re ready to create it.

This is perfect for you are ready to… imagine you… expanded:

Awaken your soul’s sacred calling to do what lights you and the world up.  

You’re ready to claim your spiritual inheritance and divine birthright of prosperity and abundance.  

Shift from…   You’re ready to remember and reclaim your divine power.  

You’re ready to grow your soul- led business or spiritual coaching  

You’re looking to do deep spiritual work so you can become the spiritual leader you know you’re destined to be.  

You’re ready to be trained in spiritual and business mastery.  

You’re tired of exchanging time for money and you’re ready to leverage your expertise and your spiritual gifts.  

You’re ready to leverage your expertise and spiritual gifts so you can actually utilize all of the webinars, training, freebies, past coaches and let’s not forget the 50 million notebook of great (but untouched and under utilized) ideas of your creation that you just have collecting dust.

Unapologetically operate within your zone of genius and not have to search endless hours for your dream opportunity or continuously question your purpose.

You’re ready to create it.

The outcomes from this sacred container:

  • Your truth will be activated, you are now in alignment with your purpose and passions.

  • You’ll learn how to package and sell high-end offers and then scale your business with group coaching programs.

  • You’ll shift from trading dollars for hours to selling out premium packages with ease and alignment.

  • You’ll ​​expand your vision to inspire deeper transformation and offer greater service.

  • You’ll design a soul- aligned business strategy that allows you to experience pleasure, energy and joy.

  • You’ll learn how to leverage your message to monetize your soul’s calling and leverage your gifts, strengths and abilities.

  • You will have your premium offer that’s divinely aligned to your soul’s purpose

  • You will have a high ticket strategy that’s aligned to your strengths and gifts

  • You will have a sustainable spiritual business model with the systems in place to leave your legacy

  • BE the Practitioner/ Healer/ CEO that you were divinely called to be

  • Operate with vision and divine alignment so you’re able to fully embody your soul’s purpose

  • Fully embody spiritual and energetic principle so that you can monetize your life’s work

  • Show up confidently in your unique magic and intuitive gifts so that people can really see you

  • Start magnetizing ABUNDANCE in the for of new clients and opportunities to you with more ease and flow than you ever thought was humanly possible

  • Execute heart- centered profit strategies that feel aligned and customized to you


  • You waking up every morning connected to your purpose as you step out of struggle and uncertainty to multiplying your income with femme power easily.

  • You connecting to the source of your personal power by connecting to the energy of why you are here, and how you are going to change the world.

  • YOU loving the clients you work with and the transformations you co-create.

  • YOU waking up every morning, knowing you have a team that has your back at work, support systems at home and a business that is poised for greatness!

  • YOU enjoying a deep sense of peace from knowing how to identify the required revenue-generating work that will help you make money from a place of deep receiving and service so you never have to struggle with lack or emptiness ever again.

  • YOU loving the fact that you’re no longer caught up in a toxic spin cycle of lack and desperation and, instead, can know how to create abundance for you and your family through your business.

  • You being laser-lucid clear on who you serve and the impact of your epic work.


This is NOT your Average Mastermind, with Premium Services Academy ™ you’ll be able to:

  • embody the spiritual side of your business; we go from mindset to magnetize to marketing to messaging to monetization and everything in between

  • Intimate and high-touch support coaching and guidance from spiritual and business masters

  • You’ll learn the art of packaging, selling and then scaling your Premium Service that’s aligned to your soul’s calling in this lifetime so you can monetize your purpose

First you have to choose your path:

Path #1: Your Premium Services Academy ™ (i.e first 12 weeks) consists of foundational and mastery work that will set the stage for journey as a spiritually conscious entrepreneur.

Path #2: When you join at the VIP level… Think in the terms of a luxury leadership coaching experience, with an in-person soul-filling time overseas, a blend of private mentoring and sisterhood and clear streams of income flow that'll set you up for more freedom than ever. (Note: This includes path #1 so that you can go deeper:

Embody your soul gifts and personal power Monthly recurring revenue with group experiences Designing your premium client centric journey Self & Business Mastery for Soul & Sales energetics Team, structure and operations for strategic success

Regardless of the pathway that you choose, your experience will include:

  • 1 x 60 min Soul Remembrance Ifa Divination Session with Prince Aderele  

  • 1 x 90 minute KICK-OFF CALL with Megan Aderele. This is where we crystallize your intentions and create a transformative plan tailored for you to align with your deepest desires and create a new vibrational setpoint to birth them into your reality with ease and grace!

  • Premium Services Academy ® Curriculum in a box w/ 3 months of group support

  • 3 x month intensive group coaching sessions with integration week.

  • An exclusive Group mastermind and accountability group for in between support

  • Access to modules, plug ‘n play template and playbooks

The outcomes from this sacred container:

  • Your truth will be activated, you are now in alignment with your purpose and passions.

  • You’ll learn how to package and sell high-end offers and then scale your business with group coaching programs.

  • You’ll shift from trading dollars for hours to selling out premium packages with ease and alignment.

  • You’ll ​​expand your vision to inspire deeper transformation and offer greater service.

  • You’ll design a soul- aligned business strategy that allows you to experience pleasure, energy and joy.

  • You’ll learn how to leverage your message to monetize your soul’s calling and leverage your gifts, strengths and abilities.

  • You will have your premium offer that’s divinely aligned to your soul’s purpose

  • You will have a high ticket strategy that’s aligned to your strengths and gifts

  • You will have a sustainable spiritual business model with the systems in place to leave your legacy

  • BE the Practitioner/ Healer/ CEO that you were divinely called to be

  • Operate with vision and divine alignment so you’re able to fully embody your soul’s purpose

  • Fully embody spiritual and energetic principle so that you can monetize your life’s work

  • Show up confidently in your unique magic and intuitive gifts so that people can really see you

  • Start magnetizing ABUNDANCE in the for of new clients and opportunities to you with more ease and flow than you ever thought was humanly possible

  • Execute heart- centered profit strategies that feel aligned and customized to you


  • You waking up every morning connected to your purpose as you step out of struggle and uncertainty to multiplying your income with femme power easily.

  • You connecting to the source of your personal power by connecting to the energy of why you are here, and how you are going to change the world.

  • YOU loving the clients you work with and the transformations you co-create.

  • YOU waking up every morning, knowing you have a team that has your back at work, support systems at home and a business that is poised for greatness!

  • YOU enjoying a deep sense of peace from knowing how to identify the required revenue-generating work that will help you make money from a place of deep receiving and service so you never have to struggle with lack or emptiness ever again.

  • YOU loving the fact that you’re no longer caught up in a toxic spin cycle of lack and desperation and, instead, can know how to create abundance for you and your family through your business.

  • You being laser-lucid clear on who you serve and the impact of your epic work.


This is NOT your Average Mastermind, with Premium Services Academy ™ you’ll be able to:

  • embody the spiritual side of your business; we go from mindset to magnetize to marketing to messaging to monetization and everything in between

  • Intimate and high-touch support coaching and guidance from spiritual and business masters

  • You’ll learn the art of packaging, selling and then scaling your Premium Service that’s aligned to your soul’s calling in this lifetime so you can monetize your purpose

First you have to choose your path:

Path #1: THE PRIESTESS PATH™ consists of foundational and mastery work that will set the stage for journey as a spiritually conscious entrepreneur.

Path #2: THE PRIESTESS CIRCLE Think in the terms of a luxury leadership coaching experience, with an in-person soul-filling time overseas, a blend of private mentoring and sisterhood and clear streams of income flow that'll set you up for more freedom than ever. (Note: This includes path #1 so that you can go deeper):

Embody your soul gifts and personal power Monthly recurring revenue with group experiences Designing your premium client centric journey Self & Business Mastery for Soul & Sales energetics Team, structure and operations for strategic success

Regardless of the pathway that you choose, your experience will include:

  • 1 x 45 min Soul Remembrance Ifa Divination Session with Prince Aderele  

  • 1 x 45 minute KICK-OFF CALL with Megan Aderele. This is where we crystallize your intentions and create a transformative plan tailored for you to align with your deepest desires and create a new vibrational setpoint to birth them into your reality with ease and grace!

  • Premium Services Academy ® Curriculum in a box w/ 3 months of group support

  • 7 x month intensive group coaching sessions with integration week.

  • An exclusive Group mastermind and accountability group for in between support

  • Access to modules, plug ‘n play template and playbooks

But your investment is just a fraction of that…

Collectively, we will build an energetic framework that will allow you to transform you, your business and ultimately your life’s work.

  Choose your experience:


Premium Services Academy ™ 12 week Program only

  • Virtual Group VIP Onboarding Intensive

  • Bi- Weekly Group Business Coaching (For 3 months)

  • Access to PSA curriculum, spreadsheets, templates, modules, select trainings

  • Monthly Sunday Service

  • Quarterly Planning Sessions

  • Group Energy Healing Activations

  • Monthly Advisory Guest Trainers

  • Monthly Focused Energy Sessions

  • Private Ifa Divination Session

  • Community of other spiritually conscious entrepreneurs, healers & practitioners


Premium Services Academy ™ 7- month program only

  • Virtual Group VIP Onboarding Intensive

  • 3 day in-person IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP (LIVE in South Florida)

  • Bi- Weekly Group Business Coaching (for the 7 months only)

  • Access to PSA's growing curriculum, spreadsheets, templates, modules, select trainings and tools

  • Monthly Sunday Service (for the 7 months only)

  • Quarterly Planning Session (1x)

  • Group Energy Healing Activations

  • Monthly Advisory Guest Trainers (for the 7 months only)

  • Community of other spiritually conscious entrepreneurs, healers & practitioners

  • Welcome Box

  • Private Ifa Divination Session (limited to first 5 applicants)


Guided Mastermind w/ 1:1 Support (7 month experience) Max participants: 13

  • Virtual Group VIP day Onboarding Intensive

  • Bi- Weekly Group Business Coaching (For 7 Months)

  • Access to PSA curriculum, spreadsheets, templates, modules, select trainings

  • Monthly Sunday Service

  • Quarterly Planning Sessions

  • Group Energy Healing Activations Monthly Advisory Guest Trainers Monthly Focused Energy Sessions

  • Private Ifa Divination Session

  • Community of other spiritually conscious entrepreneurs, healers & practitioners

  • Included Bonus #1: 3 Private Quarterly 1:1 settings w/ Megan

  • Bonus #2: Live in- person 5 day international Strengthen the Crown retreat ◆   Location: September 2023-Bali ◆   Airfare, fees and travel insurance not included Bonus

  • #3: Business Showcase + Group Expo

OPTION 2: The PRIESTESS Mastermind

The Mastermind gives you the best of the PATH plus:

  • Virtual Group VIP day Onboarding Intensive

  • 3 day in-person IMPLEMENTATION WORKSHOP (LIVE in South Florida)

  • 3 group coaching calls per month for 12 months

  • Monthly Sunday Service

  • Quarterly Planning Sessions

  • Community of other spiritually conscious entrepreneurs, healers & practitioners

  • Access to PSA curriculum, spreadsheets, templates, modules, select trainings

  • Private Ifa (Yoruba) Divination Session

  • Deluxe Welcome Box

  • Group Energy Healing Activations Monthly Advisory Guest Trainers Monthly Focused Energy Sessions

  • Included BONUSES

    • Bonus #1: Quarterly 1 on 1 coaching with one one The Aditu Agency expert coaches

    • Bonus #2: Business Showcase + Group Expo

    • Bonus#3: In- person, luxe 5 day International Strengthen the Crown retreat

      ◆   Location: OCTOBER 2024-TBD

      ◆  Note: Airfare, fees and travel insurance not included

Your Investment

$12,000 Pay in Full

$15,000* payment plan

$21,000 Pay in Full

$25,000* payment plan

*funding available upon request If you’re interested in funding, please fill out your application and pay your $500 deposit. Be sure to indicate that you’re interested in funding.

Your Investment Level


$30,000 Pay in Full

12 month payment plan available




*funding available upon request

If you’re interested in funding, please fill out your application and pay your $500 deposit. Be sure to indicate that you’re interested in funding.

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This program is FOR YOU if…

  • You’ve previously launched your business as a healer, coach/ consultant, guide spiritual entrepreneur or sacred practitioner and now you’re ready to uplevel spiritually and scale your business

  • You’re attracting clients but you want to increase your revenue by working with more premium clients.

  • You want a soul- based business that’s equal parts spirituality and strategy.

  • You KNOW you’re a POWERHOUSE and here to do epic things and you want to impact the world with your gifts.

  • Lead from divine flow & your spiritual gifts

  • Operate from a premium level and charge a premium price point

This program is NOT FOR YOU if…

  • You’re worried that investing in this level will have you financially (and emotionally) strapped

  • You’re not okay with inter-dimensional spirituality or inter-dimensional experiences

  • You’re only interested in selling low ticket courses, products and/or services

  • You have no idea what you’re selling or not experienced in this business venture

  • You’re new on your spiritual or business journey… this is definitely not for beginners

  • You’re not comfortable talking about God & the Universe, various religions & belief systems, metaphysics, energetics, New Thought Ancient Wisdom, African Spirituality, Sacred Practices, energetics, manifestations, magnetism, Universal Laws and other spiritually divine truths and methodologies

This program is FOR YOU if…

  • You are a coach, healer, or online service provider, scaling to 6 figures or beyond.

  • You’ve previously launched your business as a healer, coach/ consultant, guide spiritual entrepreneur or sacred practitioner and now you’re ready to uplevel spiritually and scale your business.

  • You’re attracting clients but you want to increase your revenue by working with more premium clients.

  • You want a soul- based business that’s equal parts spirituality and strategy.

  • You KNOW you’re a POWERHOUSE and here to do epic things and you want to impact the world with your gifts.

  • Lead from divine flow & your spiritual gifts.

  • You desire simple strategy infused with soul-led energetics for sustainable growth.

  • Operate from a premium level and charge a premium price point

This program is NOT FOR YOU if…

  • You’re worried that investing in this level will have you financially (and emotionally) strapped

  • You’re not okay with inter-dimensional spirituality or inter-dimensional experiences

  • You’re only interested in selling low ticket courses, products and/or services

  • You have no idea what you’re selling or not experienced in this business venture

  • You’re new on your spiritual or business journey… this is definitely not for beginners

  • You’re not comfortable talking about God & the Universe, various religions & belief systems, metaphysics, energetics, New Thought Ancient Wisdom, African Spirituality, Sacred Practices, energetics, manifestations, magnetism, Universal Laws and other spiritually divine truths and methodologies

5 star client reviews

  • 1. Private Long- Term 1:1 Client: Jwuanita Core

  • 2022 Dubai Retreat: Nicole Oversier

  • Plan to Profit Group Experience: Kendra Stephen

5 star client reviews

  • 1. Private Long- Term 1:1 Client: Jwuanita Core

  • 2022 Dubai Retreat: Nicole Oversier

  • Plan to Profit Group Experience: Kendra Stephen

Private Long- Term 1:1 Client:

Jwuanita Core

2022 Dubai Retreat:

Nicole Oversier

Malaysia Harrell


Are you ready to transcend 6 figures and create a life you adore?   This is for women who are at six figures and want to go to the next level with the strategy, support, and sisterhood that are needed to ascend both spiritually and financially.   If you're done with struggling and trying to figure it out on your own and you're ready for SACRED and DIVINE TRANSFORMATION by scaling your heart-aligned business, then I invite you to schedule a complimentary meeting {add your booking link} to chat with my team.   You’ll receive a personal plan to guide you to connect with your next level you. If you’re in for the journey of a lifetime, then apply!

Watch this before you apply…

What Happens When You Apply?

When you click that ‘APPLY’ button, you’re going to be taken to a form where I ask a few questions about you and your business to understand where you are in your business and if this program would best serve you at this time.   There are no right or wrong answers, but please be honest with your responses.  

Due to high demand, at the end of the application form may be asked to pay a $500 refundable deposit. If you’re selected for the next round of the program, this will go towards your enrollment fee.   If it’s not the right fit for you, the $500 will be refunded.

Program Commitment & Investment

Please see each individual level that you join under for the exact details. An agreement and full terms will be sent to you once you're enrolled in the program. Funding available for those who qualify

Meet Your Lead Guide

Megan Davis Aderele, MBA: CEO, Founder, Priestess of Wealth

Megan is known for her fierce fusion of high-level strategy and spiritual transformation. Megan is also the founder The Aditu Agency ® and creator of online business programs Premium Services Academy ®.
She brings extensive experience in streamlining business structures, higher education, student life-cycle planning, curriculum development, business development and team building coupled with a deep knowledge of metaphysics make Megan’s approach to business unique and powerful.

With her gifts for systems and spirituality coinciding with passion for expansion, Megan is a constant source of wisdom and guidance to our students as she remains steadfast in her mission to see women rise into leadership in all aspects of their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the most common questions people ask before joining this Soul Guided Expereience with Megan Aderele and Team Aditu

Who is Premium Services Academy for?

This is not for beginners in business or those just starting out on their spiritual journey. This is a high- level business and spiritual mastermind for healers, coaches and practitioners who are already in the business of creating transformations for their clients however they desire to be operating from a PREMIUM level, both energetically and in business.

I don’t consider myself a healer or sacred practitioner, is PSA right for me?

This is not for beginners in business or those just starting out on their spiritual journey. This is a high- level business and spiritual mastermind for healers, coaches and practitioners who are already in the business of creating transformations for their clients however they desire to be operating from a PREMIUM level, both energetically and in business.

Will I get personalized support?

This is not for beginners in business or those just starting out on their spiritual journey. This is a high- level business and spiritual mastermind for healers, coaches and practitioners who are already in the business of creating transformations for their clients however they desire to be operating from a PREMIUM level, both energetically and in business.

Will Premium Services Academy™ give me an exact plug in play blueprint to get to my next level?

NO. Definitely not. Here at The Aditu Agency ™ we value divine alignment. You will receive templates, spreadsheets and the like but we believe that your business must be aligned and we’ll empower you to customize it so that it’s aligned to your soul purpose.

I have another question because I have a personalized situation, who can I contact?

Please send your question in an email to: [email protected] and someone will respond to you within 48- 72 hours.

Claim your unlimited potential and explore what's possible when you commit to deepening your spiritual and energetic mastery. Unlock access to the inner sanctum of potential with a revolutionary Spiritual Business Mastermind experience designed exclusively for coaches and healers. Now is the time to take action: join us alongside the brightest teachers, guides, visionaries and healers in this powerful community and sow the seeds of possibility for

your business today.

© 2023 The Aditu Agency. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions